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Vessel Documentation Search Lookup

Free USCG vessel documentation database search lookup.

Free service with no obligation.
Must-have for buyers and lenders.
Over 500,000 Coast Guard records.
Basic documentation information.
Search by USCG official number.
Search by hull identification.
Search by documented vessel name.
Unlimited vessel record searches.

Enter Criteria and Select Type of Search


Visit our BoatScope database for multiple search options.

How to conduct a vessel documentation search lookup.

Our Coast Guard vessel database search is designed as a public resource for anyone looking to view the documentation aspects of a particular vessel... and it's completely free. This service will provide readers with a basic idea of what the National Vessel Documentation Center has on file with regard to a vessel's status. The information serves as a starting point for more in-depth research with respect to ownership, mortgages, and lien claims.

In conducting a query, be sure you have selected the appropriate type of search. Matching criteria may then be entered in either upper or lower case. Responses will accordingly correspond with the exact term or phrase you have stated. These will be shown in a list box directly below the submit button. It may take several moments to complete the process if the search involves a large number of records. Simply click the reset button if you wish to engage in a fresh search.

Although generally current, the data provided here is subject to periodic updates. It is also subject to errors or omissions and should not be relied upon without further investigation. Certain archived files which have been inactive over the past several decades may also be unavailable. Information of this nature is however, available by special order.

Data beyond what is returned from our search lookup resource can be obtained directly from the documentation center. This includes ownership information, preferred mortgage filings, lien claim notices, and supplemental data. Copies of these and all other recordings or submissions can be ordered by using our special "Vessel Record Request Form".

Keep in mind when implementing any kind of vessel documentation research, that it may extend beyond just the federal status. Recordings on the state level and perhaps even foreign registries may also affect the vessel's ownership and lien standings. The Coast Guard makes it very clear that vessel documentation is not conclusive evidence of ownership with respect to any hidden claims or filing digressions.

You may also wish to visit our premier BoatScope database which offers numerous search options in addition to this preliminary resource. These include lookups by the builder's name or code, hailing port, vessel dimensions, build year, vessel type, and usages just to name a few. The service also provides historical information on auctioned, stolen, damaged, and recalled boats.


The Nation's Premier Boat History Report
Eight databases in one interface.

Vessel Documentation
Boating Accidents
Casualty & Pollution
Lien Claims
Stolen Boats
Auctioned Boats
Factory Recalls
Boat Manufacturers

Multiple search criteria with cross-checking.





A Division of Maritime Partners, LLC
State of Washington  USA
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