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Vessel Certificate of Documentation Renewal

How to easily renew a vessel certificate of documentation with instructions.

A vessel certificate of documentation must be renewed periodically on a 1 to 5 year optional basis. This must be implemented in a timely manner in order to avoid additional fees or perhaps the need for re-documentation. The renewal process is administered by the National Vessel Documentation Center and can be easily performed online or by mail.


The Coast Guard will notify vessel owners by mail prior to a documentation's expiration date. This is sent by regular mail to the managing owner's address as shown on their records and will include a set of easy to follow instructions. Owners should, however, mark their calendars for such event as failure to receive the notice for whatever reason may result in a penalty or the need for re-documentation.
CAUTION - Vessel documentation renewals have become a target of scam operators looking to collect unnecessary fees for providing a service that can be easily performed yourself. You may receive a simulated notification that is made to look official with a solicitation for amounts much greater than those imposed on an actual filing. There are also a number of scam vessel documentation service websites with official looking logos and terms that have the deceptive appearance of an actual government site. Additional information about deceptive or scam documentation websites can be found in the References for this page.

Renewal Methods

Online Renewal - The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) has recently implemented an eStorefront on its website where you can renew a certificate of documentation in a matter of minutes. Payment can be made by credit card without the need for submitting any additional paperwork.
Renewal by Email - You can submit a renewal application form by email to the NVDC an they will respond with an acknowledgement of receipt. You will need to send the application form and a credit card payment form in Adobe PDF formats. Both are available from the Referrals for this page.
Renewal by Mail -  Vessel documentation renewals can be fulfilled by mailing a CG-1280 Vessel Documentation Renewal form directly to the NVDC. It will be provided with your renewal notification and can also be found in the Referrals for this page.

Renewal Fees

The NVDC provides a schedule of vessel documentation renewal fees based you choice of terms. This can be found in the Referrals for this page. Be sure to check these against any deceptive looking renewal notifications.
Late Fees - There is a late fee involved when renewing an expired documentation within 30 days of its expiration.
Reinstatement - When renewing a documentation that has expired beyond 30 days, you will need apply for a re-documentation along with payment of the respective fees.
Payment Options - Renewal fees may be paid by check, money order or through a credit card authorization which is available from the Referrals for this page.


Renewing a vessel certificate of documentation is very straightforward and easy to implement. Just be sure to do this before the expiration date in order to avoid additional fees. You may contact the National Vessel Documentation Center direct for additional information or concerns. A link to their website can be found in the Referrals for this page.

References and Referrals
Comments - Suggestions - Corrections


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