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Boat Manufacturer Search Lookup

Free boat manufacturer database search lookup

Free resource at no obligation.
Complete builder coverage.
Over 16,000 database records.
History and contact details.
Search by MIC identification.
Search by boat hull number.
Search by manufacturer name.
Unlimited database searches.

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How to conduct a boat manufacturer database search lookup.

Domestic boat manufacturers are required by federal law to obtain a unique Manufacturer's Identification Code (MIC). The same applies to domestic importers of foreign built vessels. This code must be incorporated as the first three characters of all hull identification numbers assigned to boats of their production. Current and historical data about these assignments is maintained indefinitely by the U.S. Coast Guard. We are pleased to provide our readers with online access to such listings... and it's completely free.

In conducting a query, be sure you have selected the appropriate type of search. Matching criteria may then be entered in either upper or lower case. The "MIC Code" option represents the federally assigned Manufacturer's Identification Code which must be exactly three characters. If a search is conducted on a complete "Hull Number", the MIC Code will be parsed accordingly. The database may also be searched according to the Manufacturer's Name. This will result in all records that include any portion of the criteria entered.

Search results are displayed in a separate window which can in turn be printed or saved as a PDF file for future reference. Please be sure to read our "Terms of Use" before accessing this information as we can not assure the timeliness and accuracy of such data. All records are subject to periodic revisions and may contain errors or omissions. There are no constraints as to the number of searches which can be made within a particular time period.

The Manufacturer's Code as embedded in the hull number is the most expedient way of identifying the builder of a particular boat. A manufacturer can, however, also be determined by investigating the boat's underlying registration or documentation records. The initial or first ownership of any boat is typically evidenced by a document which signifies the party to whom it was first delivered. This serves as a de facto title certificate pending further assignments and ultimate recording by a governmental agency. The builder's certification form is usually referred to as a "Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO), "Boat Certificate of Origin", "Builder's Certificate", or "Builder's Certification". Although these all serve the same purpose, they may not always meet the specific recording requirements of state and federal agencies.

A builder's statement or certification will typically identify the manufacturer, provide vital statistics about the boat, include the hull identification number, and specify the name and address of the first owner. Although most states and territories will accept any type of certificate, the U.S. Coast Guard requires citations which are not always shown. Builders will accordingly issue a special Coast Guard form called the "Builder's Certification" on vessels large enough to qualify for documentation. Once handed over, a statement of origin or builder's certificate can not be re-issued or duplicated. Any corrections or replacements must come in the form of a letter from the builder attesting to the original issuance details.

Although copies of builder certifications are easily obtainable from the Coast Guard on documented vessels, not all were recorded on that basis. It becomes more difficult on the state level as origins of ownership are not always evident and they are less cooperative when it comes to providing archived information. Our USCG Vessel Record Request form can be used for documented vessels and the State Registration Summaries will offer information on obtaining records from each state.


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