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Find a Boat Owner

How to find a boat owner with step by step instructions.

Finding a boat owner has become ever more difficult due to the enactment of personal privacy regulations throughout the country. Although ownership data is readily available on documented vessels, the same can not be said for boats registered on the state level. Most registration agencies are now restricting this kind of information to owners and certain qualified parties only.

Gathering Information

Locating an owner may require some detective work on a number of levels. You should accordingly begin by gathering as much data about the subject boat as possible. Sources of information may include direct visual observation, documents in hand, for-sale listings, media articles and photographs. The following items will come into play in knowing where to search for boat records.
Specifications - The year, make, model and length may be determinative in searching vessel documentation records. These are, however, of limited use when it comes to state records.
Boat Name and Hailing Port - The presence of a boat name and hailing port may be instrumental in vessel documentation searches. State registration agencies do not record such data.
State Registration Number - Registration numbers are of course a key factor in state level searches. Vessel documentation records are not searchable by such criteria.
Registration Decals - The presence of state registration decals without registration numbers may be indicative of a documented vessel. In any event, they are not searchable on either the federal or state levels.
Hull Identification Number - This is arguably the most important item when searching for boat records as it is almost always recorded on both the state and federal levels. It can also provide clues about the build date and manufacturer.
Official Documentation Number - A six or seven digit number affixed to the interior part of the hull would be an indicator that the boat is currently or was previously documented. Such records are maintained indefinitely by the Coast Guard and may be helpful in locating the current or a previous owner.

Determining the Registration Status

State Registration - State registered boats that are non-documented, must display registration numbers on each side of the bow. The first two letters will indicate the state in which such records can be found. Documented vessels that are also state registered will display the respective registration decals, but may not display the bow numbers. Here again, the decals will be an indication of where state level registration records may be found.
Vessel Documentation - In order to qualify for Coast Guard vessel documentation, the vessel must measure greater than approximately 25' in length. Documented vessels can be typically recognized by their markings. Although they may display state registration decals, they are not allowed to display the actual registration numbers. They must also display an owner designated vessel name and hailing port on a clearly visible part of the hull which is usually at the stern.
Foreign Registration - Foreign registered boats on the provincial level will usually display registration numbers and decals, although the placement and size may differ. Those enrolled in a national registry will also display a name and hailing port in addition to the respective country's flag or ensign.

Accessing the Records

State Registration Searches - Ownership records in each state are typically maintained in a database that is administered by the agency responsible for boat registration and titling. Although integrated with the department of motor vehicle records in many cases, these can also be delegated to a fish and game department, department of revenue or perhaps a marine patrol division. Access to such records is highly restrictive in most cases, but there are jurisdictions that may allow access to the general public. Detailed information and instructions for accessing boat registration records on a state by state basis can be found in the referrals for his page.

Vessel Documentation Searches - Ownership records for Coast Guard documented vessels are maintained in a database that is managed by the National Vessel Documentation Center. Although online access is available to the general public through government and enterprise sources, ownership information for individuals has now been redacted due to abusive practices. This does not apply to legal entities such as corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships. However, both individual and entity ownership data is openly available to anyone by ordering a copy of the certificate of documentation or an underlying abstract of title from the documentation center. References on how to go about this can be found in the referrals for this page.
Foreign Registration Searches - Access to provincial registration and national registry records can prove difficult in foreign countries. This mainly due to time, language, and currency constraints. The foreign registry overviews found in the referrals for this page may be of some help.
Enterprise Search Resources - There are a number of boat history and registration search websites that may provide some clues as to where and how a boat may be registered. However, you will not find ownership information from these sources because of restrictive privacy laws now in effect.


These guidelines may prove to be of some benefit in finding a boat owner. Realistically, however, such an effort may prove fruitless given the stringent privacy regulations that have been promulgated over the past few years. This is especially true for those who do not have a legitimate purpose in accessing this kind of information. Such restrictions have been enacted not only because of unwanted solicitations, but for the safety of those concerned.

References and Referrals
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