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Deletion From Vessel Documentation

How to delete a vessel from documentation with detailed instructions.

An owner of a documented vessel may submit a written request to have it formally deleted from active status whenever such standing is no longer desired. However, this may involve certain restrictions or additional requirements depending on the underlying endorsements and recordings. There are also transactional conditions under which a formal deletion is recommended. The following details, guidelines and instructions will show you when and how to file a request for deletion from vessel documentation.

Deletion Rules and Regulations

A vessel is no longer actively documented from a technical perspective upon a number of events that may terminate such status. In addition to a voluntary request for deletion from an owner, these may include placing it under a foreign flag, a change in ownership, changes in citizenship, an alteration of the dimensions, severe damages and failure to renew. Further information about these conditions may be found in the referrals for this page.
Outstanding Mortgages - Although a vessel may no longer qualify as actively documented, it may not become formally deleted when there are any outstanding preferred mortgages recorded on its underlying abstract of title. A deletion request must then be precipitated or accompanied by a properly executed release or satisfaction of said mortgages. If uncertain of this status, you can order an abstract of title from the documentation center showing all such recordings.
Claim of Lien Recordings - The existence of any outstanding notice of claim of lien recordings will not prevent a formal deletion request.
Surrender of Document - Certificates of Documentation are now reissued upon periodic renewals or re-documentations. They may also serve as instruments of transfer when properly endorsed over to a new owner. The documentation center accordingly informs us that surrender requirements are no longer typically applicable, even though regulations have not yet been updated to reflect such change.

When to File a Deletion Request

A vessel owner must file a request for deletion from documentation whenever there is cause for such action as described in the rules and regulations shown in the referrals for this page. In any event, it is highly recommended for any transfer of ownership, unless you have a degree of certainly that the new owner will immediately place the vessel back into documentation. The transfer instrument should also be filed along with the deletion request. Your name will otherwise remain on the underlying abstract of title indefinitely as the last owner of record, even though the documentation is no longer active.

Evidence of Deletion

When submitting a deletion request, you can ask for a letter evidencing such removal. You may also specify a blue ribbon certification when required for a legitimate purpose such as placing the vessel into foreign registry. Although there is no cost for the request itself, fees are required in seeking a letter evidencing the removal. There is no additional cost for a blue ribbon certification.

Preparing the Request Form

The documentation center does not have a specific form for making a deletion request. A generic deletion request form, an example and completion instructions are, however, available from the referrals for this page. Be sure to provide all the information as applicable and check the appropriate boxes in order to avoid a deficiency notification.

Submitting the Request

The request and any ancillary items can be submitted by regular mail or email to the vessel documentation center. A copy of all such items is sufficient without a need for sending the originals. If sent by email they must be converted and attached in Adobe PDF format. Your submissions should be accompanied by a transmittal cover letter as shown in the referrals for his page.
Required Fees - There is no cost for the request itself, although fees are applicable when an evidence of deletion letter is requested. There is no additional cost for a blue ribbon certification. Fees will also be required for any accompanying instruments such as a mortgage release or bill of sale.
Confirming the Progress - If your submission was sent by email, the documentation center should return an acknowledgment. You may otherwise check the online progress link shown on the documentation center's website or contact that office directly.


A request for removal can be either discretionary or required depending on the circumstances. If uncertain, you should consult with the documentation center about any such concerns.

References and Referrals
Comments - Suggestions - Corrections


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