Boat Accident Reporting Overview
What you should know about filing a boating accident report.
An owner or operator of a recreational boat must follow certain procedures as set forth by federal and state laws when involved in a boating accident. These include provisions for filing a boat accident report with the appropriate authority and within a prescribed period of time. Such data is used in establishing safety standards, identifying boat defects, gathering statistical data and further development of safety regulations or programs.
Filing Requirements
Boating accidents of any consequence must be reported to the appropriate authority
within a designated period of time. This is especially true when it comes to
injuries, casualties, or damages of a significant nature. Such reports are
handled on either the state or federal levels depending on the
State Requirements: Each state has own set of
boat accident reporting rules that may differ somewhat from those of other
jurisdictions. However, they must all meet federal standards at a minimum. The
rules for every state can be found in State Registration Overviews as
shown in the references for this overview.
Federal Requirements: Federal boat accident reporting laws are set
forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33 Part 173.51. These can be found in the referrals for this overview.
Filing Forms
Boat accident filing forms, whether state or federal, must
contain sufficient information to coincide with the U.S. Coast Guard's
nationwide Boating Accident Report Database (BARD).
State Forms: Although some states use the USCG
boating accident report form, many have their own version based on federal
reporting standards. In any event, they all gather similar information. State forms can be
found by visiting our state-by-state overviews.
Federal Form:
The U.S. Coast Guard boat accident report form number CG 3865 is the federal
benchmark form that can be found in the referrals for this overview. A
number of states will also accept this version.
Where to File
Boating accident reports must be submitted to the
appropriate filing agency. This can be done by mail or perhaps online in
some jurisdictions.
State Filings: Boating accidents occurring in state jurisdictional waters
should be sent to the respective boating enforcement agency's office. These
are in turn sent to the U.S. Coast Guard for recording into their nationwide Boating Accident Report Database. Information
in this regard can be found in the State Registration Overviews which can be
found in the Referrals for this overview
Federal Filings:
When operating in federal waters outside of any state jurisdictions, you
will need to file a boating accident report to the nearest district U.S.
Coast Guard sector office. A contact directory can be found in the referrals
for this overview.
Boaters should become intimately familiar with accident handling and reporting procedures before operating their boat. Failure to respond appropriately could result in costly fines and penalties. Boater education materials that address such issues can be found in our state registration overviews. Rules and regulations are always subject change so you should address any concerns with the enforcement agency responsible for your area of operation.
References and Referrals
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