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Request for Waiver Form

Vessel documentation request for waiver form with examples and instructions.

The vessel documentation request for waiver form is designed for situations in which certain shortcomings exist when filing applications or recordable instruments. The National Vessel Documentation Center will take this under consideration and render an approval if the subject matter is deemed to be in substantial compliance with standard regulations.

Usage Context

The vessel waiver request can be used where an application, attachment or recordable instrument does not fully comply with the respective regulations. In doing so, an applicant must convince the documentation center that full compliance was unattainable due to extraneous circumstances. This involves a detailed explanation accompanied by as many supporting exhibits as possible.

Form Example and Conversion

Examples of the request for waiver form are available in Adobe PDF format from the Referrals for this page. They can be easily converted into your favorite word processing application for modification and editing purposes. If your system does not already have this capability, there are a number of free or subscription internet services available that can provide such an accommodation.

Citations and Instructions

Vessel Name - Insert the current vessel name under which documented.
Official Number or Hull Number - Insert the official number or hull identification number in not yet assigned
Name of Requester - Insert the name of the requester which should be the owner.
Request - Lay out all of the circumstances regarding the request in as much detail as possible. List any supporting exhibitions or items in support of the request and make sure they are submitted with the form.

Signature Requirements

The form must be signed by the boat owner. A signature notarization is not required.


Acceptance of this form is subject to approval at the sole discretion of a vessel documentation processing officer.

References and Referrals
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