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Release of Lien Form

Release of vessel claim of lien form with examples and instructions.

The Release of Lien form is designed to offset or release a Notice of Claim of Lien that has been recorded against a USCG documented vessel. When properly executed, it will qualify for filing with the National Vessel Documentation Center.

Usage Context

Documented vessels are often encumbered by delinquent maritime liens that have been recorded against the vessel's underlying abstract of title. A claimant must accordingly file a Release of Claim of Lien form when the obligation has been settled in order to offset or release the claim.

Form Example and Conversion

An example of the lien release form is available in Adobe PDF format from the Referrals for this page. It can be easily converted into your favorite word processing application for modification and editing purposes. If your system does not already have this capability, there are a number of free or subscription internet services available that can provide such an accommodation.

Citations and Instructions

Vessel Name - Insert the vessel's name.
Official Number - Insert the U.S. Coast Guard official documentation number.
Name of Claimant - Insert the claimant's name as shown on the original filing.
Name of Owner - Insert the vessel owner's name as shown on the original filing.
Amount of Claim - Insert the amount of claim as shown on the original filing.
Recorded in Book No./Batch No. - Insert this information from the data shown on the recorded copy as returned by the documentation center or as listed the underlying abstract of title. Insert "N/A" if filed but not yet recorded.
Page No./Document Id. - Insert this information from the data shown on the recorded copy as returned by the documentation center or as listed on the underlying abstract of title. Insert "N/A" if filed but not yet recorded.
Name of Person Signing  - Insert the name of the person signing, and authorized representative's capacity if applicable.
Acknowledgement - All signatures must be acknowledged by a U.S. notary, U.S. Consulate, or apostillized by a member country of the Hague Convention. The notary public may need to provide an attachment if the standard acknowledgement on this form does not fulfill your jurisdictional requirements. The acknowledgement date can not precede the respective signature date.

Signature Requirements

The form must be executed by the claimant or a duly appointed representative.


Acceptance of this form is subject to approval and may have legal implications. You should check with the appropriate agency or an attorney about any such concerns.

References and Referrals
Comments - Suggestions - Corrections


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