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Boat Registration Record Release Authorization Form

Boat registration release authorization form with example and instructions.

The boat record release authorization form is designed for usage in those states where such data is restricted due to personal privacy regulations. The owner must accordingly provide a written release authorization to any non-privileged parties that may require such information. The following instructions will guide you through the process of drafting your own record release authorization.

Usage Context

The boat record release authorization form is typically used in conjunction with a boat record request in those states where such information is restricted. It should be acceptable by most registration agencies that do no provide a similar form of their own.


Owner - List the owner's name and address as shown on the record to be obtained.
Recipient- List the name and address of the person to who is to receive the record.
Vessel - Show the Year, make and length of the subject vessel. It is imperative that a hull number is included along with any registration of USCG documentation numbers.
Trailer - If applicable, provide a description of the trailer along with any identification and registration numbers.
Content - Identify the state and respective agency from which the record is to be obtained.
Signature - Insert the date signed and owner's signature. A signature notarization is not typically required, but this may not always be the case.

Form Example

An example of the Records Release Authorization form is available in Adobe PDF format. It can be easily converted into your favorite word processing application for modification and editing purposes. If your system does not already have this capability, there are a number of free or subscription online internet services available that can provide such an accommodation.


Although this form is generally suitable for most jurisdictions, you should check with the respective agency about any such concerns. Some states may also provide their own specific version.

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