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Notice of Claim of Vessel Lien Form

Notice of claim of vessel lien form with example and instructions.

The Notice of Claim of Vessel Lien form is designed for recording a maritime lien against a USCG documented vessel. It qualifies as a recordable instrument that may be filed with the National Vessel Documentation Center for indexing on the vessel's underlying abstract of title.

Usage Context

Maritime liens include goods, services, wages, liabilities and other items necessary for the vessel's operational needs or actions resulting from it's operation. Under these circumstances, the claim of lien form can be unilaterally filed by a claimant without the owner's consent. However, the vessel must be currently documented or in the process thereof.

Form Example

An example of the Notice of Claim of Lien form is available in Adobe PDF format from the Referrals for this page. It can be easily converted into your favorite word processing application for modification and editing purposes. If your system does not already have this capability, there are a number of free or subscription internet services available that can provide such an accommodation.

Citations and Instructions

USCG instructions for completing and processing a Notice of Claim of Lien can be found in the Referrals for this page. This includes the requirements for notifying any other mortgagees or claimants that remain outstanding on the underlying abstract of title. The following instructions are also prove helpful for clarification purposes.
Name of Vessel - Insert the vessel's name.
Official Number - Insert the U.S. Coast Guard official documentation number.
Nature of Lien Claimed - Insert a brief description of the reason for the claim.
Date on Which Lien Arose - Insert the date on which the lien arose.
Amount of Lien Claimed - Insert the amount claimed and denomination if other than U.S. dollars. You may also add the words "plus accrued interest" and any other additional fees such as filing related costs.
Name and Address of Claimant - Insert the name of the claim holder's name and address.
Date - Insert the date on which the claim is signed.
Signed - Insert the name of the person signing, and authorized representative's capacity if applicable.
Acknowledgement - All signatures must be acknowledged by a U.S. notary, U.S. Consulate, or apostillized by a member country of the Hague Convention. The notary public may need to provide an attachment if the standard acknowledgement on this form does not fulfill your jurisdictional requirements. Please note that attachments count as additional pages with respect to recording fees. The acknowledgement date can not precede the respective signature date.
Declaration Page - Insert the date on which the claim form was executed at the top. The signature date below must be dated on or after the claim form's execution date. The declaration must be signed by the same party that executed the claim form. It is not necessary to list the parties notified on this form.


The processing and recordation of this form may create legal implications when improperly invoked. You should consult with an attorney with any such concerns.

References and Referrals
Comments - Suggestions - Corrections


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