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Mortgagee Consent Form

Vessel mortgagee consent form with instructions.

The vessel mortgagee consent form is designed for altering the status of a documented vessel when subject to a preferred vessel mortgage. Any such changes are not otherwise allowed without the mortgagee's written approval.

Usage Context

The vessel mortgagee consent form can be used to change the vessel's name, hailing port, owner's legal name and any subsequent recordings that would require a reissuance of the certificate of documentation. However, it may not be used to authorize a change of ownership or to revise the amount of a preferred mortgage.

Form Example and Conversion

The mortgagee consent form is available from the Referrals for this page directly from the National Vessel Documentation Center. It is provided in Adobe PDF format and fielded for convenient usage.

Citations and Instructions

The consent form is accompanied by an instruction sheet and the layout is for the most part is self-explanatory. It does, however, require recording details for the subject mortgage. If a recorded copy is not available, it will be necessary to order an abstract of title.  - This form may not be altered, other than completing the blank fields. Any changes in the basic form structure will invalidate its recording viability.
Box 1 - Insert the name under which vessel is currently documented.
Box 2 - Official Number - Insert the U.S. Coast Guard official number or the manufacturer's hull identification number.
Box 3 - Insert the Mortgagor's (owner's) name as shown on the documentation records.
Box 4 - Insert the Mortgagee's (lender's) name as shown on the documentation records.
Box 5 - Insert the date on which the mortgage was executed.
Box 6 - Insert the amount of the mortgage.
Box 7 - Insert the date on which the mortgage was filed for recording.
Box 8 - Declare the reason for the application.
Box 9 - The form must be signed by the owner or owner's authorized. Insert the date on which the application is signed. Notarization is not reqired.
Consent - The consent must be signed by the mortgagee or representative thereof. This does not have to be the same date on which the owner signed. Notarization is not required.


Acceptance of this form is subject to approval by the National Vessel Documentation Center and may have legal implications. You should check with the appropriate agency or an attorney about any such concerns.

References and Referrals
Comments - Suggestions - Corrections


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