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Deletion From Documentation Form

Deletion from vessel documentation request form with instructions.

The request for deletion from vessel documentation form is designed for removing a vessel from Coast Guard documentation active enrollment. It covers the necessary citations to satisfy the National Vessel Documentation Center's requirements for such accommodation.

Usage Context

Documented vessel owners should file a deletion request with the National Vessel Documentation Center immediately when the vessel has been transferred, destroyed, stolen or upon election to remove the vessel from documentation altogether. This is especially important for vessels that have been transferred to a foreign citizen. You can also request a letter evidencing such removal.

Form Example and Conversion

The request for deletion from documentation form is available in Adobe PDF format from the Referrals for this page. It can be easily converted into your favorite word processing application for modification and editing purposes. If your system does not already have this capability, there are a number of free or subscription internet services available that can provide such an accommodation.

Citations and Instructions

The deletion form is self-explanatory and all appropriate boxes should be checked. The vessel must be full identified by the official number and/or hull number. The vessel name is helpful but not required. Be sure to also provide a valid mailing and and email address if you are asking for evidence of the removal. You can also request a special Blue Ribbon certification as this may be required if subsequently registered in a foreign country.

Signature Requirements

The form must be signed by the boat owner or a duly appointed agent. A signature notarization is not required.


Documentation records are maintained indefinitely after going into an inactive status. It is especially important for sellers to make sure their name is no longer shown as the last documented owner of record.

References and Referrals
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