USCG Builder's Certification Form
Coast Guard vessel builder's certification form with instructions.
The Builder's Certification form (CG1261) serves as the first evidence of title for larger vessels and is designed primarily for USCG vessel documentation purposes. It identifies the party for whom built, the hull identification number and provides specifications for the subject vessel. It can also be used for transferring ownership to a subsequent owner.
Usage Context
Although accepted by most state registration agencies, the Builder's Certification form (CG1261) is designed more specifically for vessel documentation purposes. Properly executed, it is recognized by the National Vessel Documentation Center for establishing the first owner of record. It also contains an assignment of title section for a subsequent owner. This certificate can only be issued once by the actual manufacturer upon completion of the manufacturing process. If a the builders certification is over two years old or an older version, it must be accompanied by evidence of subsequent titling or registration. Otherwise, a statement of explanation must be submitted and will become subject to review and approval.
Form Download
The Builder's Certification form is available from the Referrals for this page as provided directly from the National Vessel Documentation Center. It is provided in Adobe PDF format and fielded to accommodate easy completion.
Citations and Instructions
Section I - Indicate the phase of construction by checking the
appropriate box. Insert the year in which the indicated phase of
construction began and the year in which completed.
Section II - Insert the respective vessel data.
A. - Insert the hull identification Number.
B. - Insert the vessel name if available.
C. - Check the appropriate boxes for the engine information and type
D. - Insert the place built including the country.
E. - Check the appropriate box for the hull material.
Section III - Complete the section appropriate to the subject
Section IV - Check the boxes as applicable.
Section V - Insert the name and address of the party for whom built
and indicate the method of ownership. If owned by an entity, show the
true name of the entity. This can be followed by a fictitious trade name
if desired.
Section VI - Insert the name and signature of a party who actually
performed or supervised the construction and such person's capacity.
Insert the date signed. This must not precede the build completion date.
Notarization is not required for this section.
Section VII - Complete this section if the certificate will be
used as a first transfer of title for the Party for Whom Built. A
separate Bill of Sale, Deed of Gift, or Transfer of Interest can also be
used for this purpose. Notarization is required for signatures in this
Acknowledgement - Notarization is only required if Section VII
First Sale and Transfer of Vessel is completed. The form contains a
default acknowledgement which is a simplified generic version. If this
does not fulfill your particular requirements, a separate page can be attached. The acknowledgement date can
not precede the respective signature date. Make sure the notary's
commission has not expired relative to the notarization date. If
notarized foreign, it must be performed by the U.S. Consulate or the
notarization must be apostillized by a government that is a member of
the Hague convention.
Signature Requirements
The certification must be signed by the boat builder or an authorized representative. A signature notarization for the certification is not required.
Acceptance of this form is subject to approval. You should check with the National Vessel Documentation Center about any such concerns.
References and Referrals
Comments - Suggestions - Corrections