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Application for Documentation Form

Application for vessel documentation with attachments and instructions.

The Application for Documentation form (CG 1258) is designed for any type of filing that affects a vessel's enrollment status. This includes the initial issuance, exchange, or replacement of a Certificate of Documentation. Replacement certificates may be necessitated by a change of ownership, change of vessel name or hailing port, lost or damaged certificate, change in trade endorsements, and any other changes to the vessel's status.

Usage Context

This is a U.S. Coast Guard issued form that will satisfy all requirements when applying for an initial, exchange, transfer, or replacement certificate of documentation. There are also a number of ancillary forms, as shown in the Referrals for this page that may need accompany to the application. These allow for multiple vessels under a single application and for gathering additional information in the event of multiple owners, members, partners, and trustees.

Application and Ancillary Forms

The application for documentation and various ancillary forms links can be found in the Referrals for this page. These are available in Adobe PDF format with active fields for easy usage.


The application for documentation form comes with an instruction page explaining the basic sections. The following will provide expanded guidelines and more detailed information. You will also find additional information in the References for this page.
A. Vessel Name: Insert the name you have chosen for the vessel. This can be the name under which previously documented or a different one of your own choice. When changing the name, the old one should be shown in parenthesis beginning with the designation "ex: ". Only standard alpha and numeric characters in the vessel name will be shown on the certificate of documentation. Names are not exclusive, therefore multiple documented vessels can share the same name. Do not use a name which contains profanity, indicates a racial epithet, exceeds 33 characters, or conflicts with emergency call signals such as "SOS" or "MAYDAY". You may document multiple vessels by using the same application if all information is the same other than the vessel's name, hailing port, and identification numbers. In this case you will need to attach the "Additional Vessels" form. This can be downloaded from the above links or by clicking the icon shown on the application form. However, you will lose any data you have already entered in the application by clicking the icon.
B. Official #: insert the official Coast Guard documentation number if one has ever been awarded to the vessel. If unsure of this, you can contact the Coast Guard to see if they already have a cross-reference in their system with the hull identification number. It will change the nature of your application depending on whether you are applying for an initial documentation or re-documentation.
C. HULL ID#: Insert the vessel's hull identification number. When applying for initial documentation, an appropriate hull number respective to the year of the vessel must be shown. This means that beginning with the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971, hull numbers must be of at least 12 characters. If the hull number is different for a re-documentation from that already on record, the Coast Guard will require an explanation and supporting evidence for a correction.
D. IMO#: Insert the International Maritime Organization (IMO) number, if any. This applies mostly to larger vessels and ships which engage in international operations.
E. Hailing Port Including State: Insert the city and state you have chosen for the hailing port. This can be any place you wish in the United States or one its Territories so long as it coincides with a postal designation. Commonly uses abbreviations such as "NY, NY" are acceptable. The hailing port does not have to match the physical location of the vessel.
F. Name of Managing Owner: Ownership of the vessel is established by whatever is provided as proof of ownership along with the application. This may include a bill of sale, transfer instrument, builder's certificate, or copy of an existing title or registration certificate. One of the of the owners must be designated as a managing owner with whom the Coast Guard can correspond. If owned by individuals, the managing owner would be one of those parties. In the case of a trust arrangement, the managing owner's name would one of the trustees. For a corporation, partnership, or LLC it would be the name of the entity itself. The managing owner's name must be accompanied by a Social Security Number (SSN) or a Tax Identification Number (TIN) when applicable. If an entity does not have a Tax Identification Number, you may use the social security number of an individual who is a corporate officer, general partner, or individual trustee of the entity. However, such party must sign the application.
G. Physical Address of Managing Owner: Insert the physical street address of the managing owner. A special declaration must be submitted if the owner is living aboard a vessel with no permanent address. If you wish to have correspondence sent to a different address such as a Post Office box, this can be shown in the adjacent mailing address section.
H. Name(s) of Other Owner(s): The names and Social Security numbers or Tax Identification numbers of all owners other than the managing owner of the vessel must be declared. This section will accommodate only one of the other owner's names. If there are additional names, you will need to attach the "Additional Owners" form. This can be downloaded from the above links or by clicking the icon shown on the application form. However, you will lose any data you have already entered in the application by clicking the icon.
I. Purpose of Application: Check the appropriate box to show the purpose of this application. If any information in box 4 or 5 is unknown, please indicate this on the application. Checkbox 1 should be used for transfers and changes of ownership on a vessel that is already documented. Checkbox 5 should be used if the vessel has never been previously documented and you are applying for an initial or first time documentation.
J. Endorsement for Which Application is Made: Check the appropriate boxes to indicate the endorsements you wish for the Certificate of Documentation. Multiple endorsements may be checked provided the vessel qualifies for each one.
K. Primary Service and Horsepower: Insert the horsepower if known and check the appropriate box to indicate how the vessel will be primarily used. You can check only one box even though multiple endorsements are sought.
L. Citizenship of Owner: U.S. citizenship is one of the primary requirements for individual owners. This includes native born and naturalized citizens. The degree of citizenship for those holding equity interests in a legal entity will depend on the type of endorsements required. This section will identify the type of ownership under which the vessel will become documented and the applicable degree of citizenship.
One or More Individuals: Check this box if owned by individual persons. All such owners must be U.S. Citizens without exception.
Government Entity: Check this box if owned by a government entity. This includes federal, state, and territorial possessions or subdivisions thereof. Corporation: Check this box if owned by a corporation and insert all applicable information.
Limited Liability Company (LLC): Check the applicable boxes and insert the state where the LLC is organized. If member managed, it will be necessary to provide a list of all members. In this case you will need to attach the "Additional Limited Liability Owners" form. This can be downloaded from the above links or by clicking the icon shown on the application form. However, you will lose any data you have already entered in the application by clicking the icon.
Partnership: Check the applicable box which applies to the equity interests of the general partners and declare the type of partnership below. You will also need to provide a list of all partners by attaching the "Additional Partnership" form. This can be downloaded from the above links or by clicking the icon shown on the application form. However, you will lose any data you have already entered in the application by clicking the icon.
Corporation Qualified and Applying under 46 CFR 68.01 (BOWATERS): Check this box if applicable and attach a copy of the Certificate of Compliance or Letter of Qualification issued by the NVDC director.
Vessel Owned or Operated by a Not-for-profit Oil Recovery Cooperative: Check this box if applicable and attach a copy of the Certificate of Compliance or Letter of Qualification issued by the NVDC director.
Joint Venture or Association: Check this box if applicable and provide a list of all members of the joint venture or association by attaching an Additional Joint Venture or Association form. This can be downloaded from the above links or by clicking the icon shown on the application form. However, you will lose any data you have already entered in the application by clicking the icon.
Trust Arrangement: Check this box if applicable and complete the appropriate equity interest section below. All trustees and beneficiaries with an enforceable interest must be U.S. Citizens. You must provide a list of all such parties by attaching an Additional Trust Arrangement form. This can be downloaded from the above links or by clicking the icon shown on the application form. However, you will lose any data you have already entered in the application by clicking the icon.
M. Certification: The law provides severe penalties against any persons making a false statement and against the vessel for which it is made. Insert a check mark in paragraphs 1 through 3 and check the appropriate sub-boxes. Indicate the state in which titled if applicable and be sure to surrender the title upon issuance of the certificate of documentation. This does not apply to state registration certificates as these are not viewed as titles. Insert a check mark in paragraph 4 if applicable. You will also need to show the capacity in which signed and print the signer's name. The application can be signed by any of the owners or an authorized agent. However, an agent can only sign when the vessel is owned by individuals or an entity where a tax identification number is shown. When signing as an agent, it is only necessary to insert the word “Agent” after the signer’s name.


There is no signature notarization required for this form


This form is provided by the U.S. Coast Guard's National Vessel Documentation Center and may not be altered other than by completing the blank fields. Any changes in the basic form structure will invalidate its recording viability. You may contact the National Vessel Documentation Center for any further questions or concerns.

References and Referrals
Comments: Suggestions: Corrections


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