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Vessel Identification System

What you should know about the USCG Vessel Identification System.

Vessel Identification System Definition

The Vessel Identification System is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Coast Guard and most states to share vessel documentation and boat registration data. This includes both current and historical information. It is administered by the Coast Guard's Maritime Information Exchange with input from the participating states. Although not yet fully realized, one of its goals is that of recording preferred vessel mortgages on both state and federal levels. It also seeks to advance the standards for acquiring data with respect to damaged or salvaged boats. The Vessel Identification System is generally referred to within the boating community as VIS. However, it should not be confused with other vessel identification systems which are designed for navigational purposes.

Vessel Identification System Access

Access to the system is thus far limited to government and law enforcement agencies. Given this highly restrictive environment, it is extremely difficult for the boaters to obtain such data unless engaged in a procedure that involves an unidentified, stolen or abandoned boat.

Consumer Privacy Issues

There is a great deal of concern within many of the states about consumer privacy issues. Unfortunately, this places the boating community at a disadvantage when trying to determine the background or history of a particular boat.

VIS Compared to NMVTIS

The Vessel Identification System is similar in functionality to the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS). In fact, there are some states that include reportable boat registration information within their vehicle systems. The primary difference between the two systems is that VIS is only available to government agencies wherein NMVTIS is openly available to the general public.

This information is subject to change and should be confirmed with the respective agency.

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